
Startup Name: KLIBER S.A.

Category: Mobile

Stage: Post Seed

Country: Luxembourg

Startup Website: http://kliberapp.com

About: kliber video teaser | https://youtu.be/17VkGzwTo9Q kliber is a mobile-first solution empowering job seekers and recruiters via video. kliber is a unique tool offering a 360° solution to BtoB and BtoC: - kliber gives recruiters the right easy-to-use tool to connect with job seekers using video and to enhance their employer brand, their way; - kliber gives job seekers a 100% mobile app to share their digital DNA and apply their way. The binding link between recruiters and job seekers are unique URL, which relate to any data created on kliber. With these URLs, our users can export their data to any digital platform (social networks, websites, blogs, intranets etc.) they wish.

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