Mi8 Marketing Cloud

Startup Name: zMerce BV

Category: Analytics & Big Data

Stage: Post Seed

Country: Netherlands

Startup Website: https://www.zmerce.com

About: The Mi8 Marketing Cloud platform powered by zMerce, solves the problems enterprises face nowadays. It centralizes all customer data and marketing activities in a single environment. Thanks to the open software architecture, Mi8 is an innovative solution of zMerce, a Dutch startup (since 2014 and known from Dell founders Club, The Next Web, Accenture Innovation Awards) based in A Lab Amsterdam. The Mi8 Marketing Cloud makes datadriven marketingcommunication comprehensible, personal and profitable. Cees Franke CEO: "We want to build worldwide an affordable marketing ecosystem for SME and micro businesses besides Google and Facebook." A Lab is a place where creativity & tech meet with 5 focus area's; #socialrobotics #journalism #culture #music #visual

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