
Startup Name: Moubamrij, Inc.

Category: eLearning

Stage: Pre seed

Country: Lebanon

Startup Website:

About: Technology is all around us, it’s in our phones, homes and life. All these inventions wouldn't be possible without programming, as it's the core of every technology in the world. Recent research revealed that software programming is the highest in demand in the job market, and the fields for implementation are endless. To top it off, online education has become the disruptor in how we learn new things. People are reaching out to the internet to learn about anything and everything. With the lack of Arabic content on the internet and the barrier of languages. Moubarmij is the ultimate platform providing high quality educational programming content in form of video tutorials in Arabic language. We believe that everyone should have the chance for an education, any education, no matter what language they speak or don’t speak.

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